Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prayer Requests 11-15-09

Please pray for:
The Praise Team Hungary Mission Trip
Erin and Matt - for Erin's peace and Merin's and Paul's behavior during the long days without daddy home. For Matt's safety and protection and peace while away form his family.
Rachel's Brasher's class fund raiser - the kids would be motivated and moved to generosity fo benefit Michael and Theresa McCutcheon.
Our pregnant moms - protection from illness, strength for long days and the holidays, nausea and other discomforts of pregnancy to diminish.
Lauren's dancewear to sell well at the Holiday Market
Our 4th Service - God would bless it and draw the people He wants there to come and commit, to call plainly those to serve in the areas needed.
The Unemployed/those looking for jobs - that God would direct their paths and be their source of strength and comfort. That each person needing work would not get discouraged but keep looking and applying each week, making contacts and fulfilling their time purposefully.
Mike and Amy, Laura Beth and Dan Vail, and Lori and Chance's sister and bro-in-law - that they would seek God and His word and will for their marriages. For more good times and blessings!
Men's Accountability Group - that God would bless their efforts and help all the men attending or not to remain faithful to both their wives and to God in their struggles to be Godly leaders in their homes.
For Unspoken Requests