Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update on Meals

I think I e-mailed everyone but for those I didn't here is all the information. All you have to do is go onto the calender & sign up for the meal. The logon info it below. I already have the dates needed. Thank you all who are able to help. I know they appreciate it.

HELPER LOGON===================================The HELPER logon is used by family and friends that would like to sign-up to help a loved one.To access Terral & Shaina's personal CareCalendar site, visit and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Meals for the Meekers

I will be e-mailing everyone probably tomorrow about making meals for the Meekers since baby Jasper is here. Since Barb is gone I was asked to do this so be thinking of some yummy meals! I will talk to Shaina tomorrow & pick out some dates. Whoever can help I know they will be grateful!!

5-26-09 Prayer Request

Good afternoon to everyone!!
First off, we need to give praise that Jasper Meeker is here and that mom and baby are doing good.

Secondly, here are some requests that you can keep in mind this week as you go along.
1. Travel: There are many that are on the road this week as well as Barb and Glen being on vacation. Please pray that they will have a great time and enjoy themselves.

2. Jobs: We have many in our group that are looking as well as are starting new jobs. We need to keep them in our prayers as people are searching.

3. Cheryl: Keep her in your prayers as she is still moving along with the pregnanacy as well as she has started a new job. Pray that God will use her in the position.

4. Teachers: Please pray for our teachers as it is the last week of school and that they would have a good week with the students and be blessed as well as be a blessing to others.

5. Church: Please pray for the church and the leaders. God is using Ronnie and the others in a mighty way. Also keep in mind that we are in the process of looking at options and it is important that we keep giving this up to God as far as what He wants us to do.

Have a great week-

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our GFBCYMCA Calendar...

Hey everyone!
There have been some questions about if it is possible for people other than me to update events in our calendar. The quick answer is "YES". All I need to know is who wants to be able to update things in the calendar and then, I believe, your G-Mail address. Remember, our site is very google intensive. So, the calendar will probably want you to log in with your G-Mail account. I don't think there is a way to update the calendar with another email address (i.e. hotmail, yahoo, cox, and so on). We could test that if you would like.

If anyone wants to be able to update the calendar just send an email to my G-Mail account:

Thanks for the interest!
God Bless,
C. Wade

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Prayer Request -May 14th

Good evening:

I wanted to share with you a few request from this week.
1. Tess Fritschie is a girl that is at the dance studio and her father was one of the 2 men that was murdered yesterday in Scott County. Morganne dances with her as well as I am sure that Lauren knows them. We need to pray for this family during this time.
2. Health: We need to rememebr all those that are struggling with issues either not recovering fast enough or other aliments. For those of you that know Tim Brinkley, he had emergency appendectomy this morning.
3. We need to keep our families in our prayers and be lifting them up to the Lord. We need to be building a hedge or wall around our marriages so that they stay safe.

We look forward to seeing you soon and hope that you have a great rest of the week Please know that you can email us or add your prayer request here and they will be prayed for.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that the site is finished...well for the most part. It is available here . Feel free to add it to you web browser's favorites or bookmarks list. Check it out and see what you think. Thanks for your patience while I was getting it all ready.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Relationships-They are important

Hello to all:
I have been reminded in the last few days what really matters and what does not, and it is the friends and family that are sticking out as what is important. It seems that God brings people in our lives that we are able to minister to, or they are there for us. I want to encourage all of you to not take each other for granted and to know that we are going to have our moments that we do not agree or are not happy, but that we must agree to disagree and move on and not hold grudges and realize that at the end of the day, we need to be encouraging one another and lifting each other up in prayer. This is just a thought that I wanted to share with you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I just thought I would post these on the blog!! Again thank you to all who came, helped, and/or helped out with the gift! Terral and I love our class and everyone in it. God is so good!! He provides for us always. I hope I posted correctly. I have no idea how to do this "blog" thing!! I will learn though.

His Cost, Our Gain!

I was reading my devotional this morning and it pointed out that Christ loat more than His life when He came to Earth to die for us. If you think about it, He was in all of God's glory siting at His right hand when he suddenly is in a womb and wakes up in a hay trough. That is a far cry from where He was at. He was also in a place where God is being praised daily to where He is on Earth where He is called names and insulted, even by His own earthly brothers.

In Romans 8: 31, it is written, "What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Paul goes on to say in the next few verses that the Lord is always there and that Christ is interceding for us all the time at the right hand of God. In verse 39, he says, "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to sepereate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Please remember that Christ gave us life and is always standing by our side day or night.

The question that is asked of us is are we living for the Lord in our lives?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Girls Night

I just wanted to add to Becky's post about our girls night! It's tonight and we are meeting at Mandy's at 5:30 and then deciding what we are doing from there. If you can't meet at that time then just call us and you can meet up with us later! Should be fun-can't wait!! :)


Thursday, May 7, 2009


We are doing a ladies night tomorrow night for anyone who wants to come! We will probably go out to eat. No Kids!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayer Request Week of May 4th

Hello to all:

We wanted to send you some prayer requests to keep in mind as you go through this week.
1. Jobs: We need to pray for all of our jobs. We need to remember that there are those that are struggling in current jobs as well as those that are looking for jobs. Please pray that te Lord will guide all of us in what we do.

2. Relationships: Please pray for your spouse everyday. Lift them up to the Lord that they will have direction and guidance in what they do.

3. Sickness: We need to keep praying for those that are not feeling well at this time. There are those that we know that are fighting cancer as well as other illness that we need to lift up.

I want to encourage all of you as you read this to be praying for these as well as others that you are aware of. Prayer works- have a great rest of the week.

Valentine's Day 2009

Just thought I would post these on here.............Good times!

The Ladies

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


As we are all moving through different stages of life, it is good to dream. I want to encourage all of you to dream and dream big because God will use you and wants to use you. Remember to give Him the glory in everything that you do.

Comfort zone

Yesterday, I was checking out facebook and noticed that Jason McMillan had taken a quiz about finding out what your ministry calling is. After taking the quiz, I was told that my calling is a missions and outreach minister. That means I am called to make a difference beyond the walls of traditional church.

Now, some of the ladies in our accountability group have heard me talk about this "idea" I had about opening up a laundry/shower business in Booneville. This "idea" I've had is much more than just a normal laundry mat with a few showers. It is supposed to be a safe place that people can come do laundry, or take a shower, or hang out, and hopefully feel the love of God (whether through a smile or a bible verse on the wall). Electricity/water can go out, washers and dryers break, relatives may not be available. No matter what the reason for coming to this place, my heart wants to make a difference.

The sad thing is, is that I don't know if this "idea" will ever happen. I am wanting to get to that place where I say "yes" to God whenever he asks or speaks to my heart. Our ladies accountability group is reading a book by Lysa TerKeurst dealing with this very thing. Saying yes to God. I don't want Satan to win. I don't want to believe the lies he tells us on a daily basis.

I must say, even writing this blog is WAY out of my comfort zone. I don't write, speak, or spell well. And I really don't feel comfortable with computers. But I decided to take a step today and say yes to God by not worrying about when the dishes will get done, or cleaning the bathroom...they can wait...this is important. Satan uses those things to distract me from spending time with God.

I don't know what to say to close, my heart is beating twice the speed it usually does. I guess I am just excited to see what God will do in my life ( if I choose to obey/or not). Of course there are other emotions I'm feeling right now. But I don't think they are from God. Even now, Satan is still at work, but we know Who will win in the end.

Try to do a New Post!

Hey everyone! I would like for you all to try to do a "New Post". Not just a comment please. I am trying to test if giving everyone "Author" status is working.

Thanks! Hope you all like the Blog, and are ready for the GFBCYMCA Website. (COMING SOON!) :-)

Monday, May 4, 2009


If you have ever "Blogged" before, then you know what to do. Everyone else... you will catch on quick.