Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Comfort zone

Yesterday, I was checking out facebook and noticed that Jason McMillan had taken a quiz about finding out what your ministry calling is. After taking the quiz, I was told that my calling is a missions and outreach minister. That means I am called to make a difference beyond the walls of traditional church.

Now, some of the ladies in our accountability group have heard me talk about this "idea" I had about opening up a laundry/shower business in Booneville. This "idea" I've had is much more than just a normal laundry mat with a few showers. It is supposed to be a safe place that people can come do laundry, or take a shower, or hang out, and hopefully feel the love of God (whether through a smile or a bible verse on the wall). Electricity/water can go out, washers and dryers break, relatives may not be available. No matter what the reason for coming to this place, my heart wants to make a difference.

The sad thing is, is that I don't know if this "idea" will ever happen. I am wanting to get to that place where I say "yes" to God whenever he asks or speaks to my heart. Our ladies accountability group is reading a book by Lysa TerKeurst dealing with this very thing. Saying yes to God. I don't want Satan to win. I don't want to believe the lies he tells us on a daily basis.

I must say, even writing this blog is WAY out of my comfort zone. I don't write, speak, or spell well. And I really don't feel comfortable with computers. But I decided to take a step today and say yes to God by not worrying about when the dishes will get done, or cleaning the bathroom...they can wait...this is important. Satan uses those things to distract me from spending time with God.

I don't know what to say to close, my heart is beating twice the speed it usually does. I guess I am just excited to see what God will do in my life ( if I choose to obey/or not). Of course there are other emotions I'm feeling right now. But I don't think they are from God. Even now, Satan is still at work, but we know Who will win in the end.


  1. Thank you for sharing that Jessica!
    I just got finished reading that book. It put on my heart how I need to keep my focus on God. So many times I forget how big He is! He can do anything!

  2. Very Nice Post! We all need to get out of our comfort zones. It's when we get out of the comfort zones that we start to live life on faith. I know that I truly have trouble with this. I'm in my own little world with my own little problems and honestly I like it this way...but, I shouldn't. I pray that for all of us, that we can start living out a life baised on faith. A true trusting that God will be always for us and never against us.

  3. Thank you so much for writing this Jess!!! I can't wait to talk more about this at accountability. If you do decide to move forward with this-I am behind you 100% and will help out doing whatever I can! I'm just so happy that you are saying Yes to God by writing this and putting it out there! Way to go girl!! :)
