Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm reading a book right now called "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns and I thought a lot of the quotes in his book related to what we talked about this morning in class.....

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
-Frederick Buechner

"Mother Teresa once said, 'I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.' She had it right. We're not authors, any of us. We are just the 'pencils.' Once we understand that, we might actually become useful to God."
-Richard Stearns

"God is a God of order. He created us all for a purpose and envisioned our lives at the very beginning of time itself. He gave us each a unique personality and a set of aptitudes and placed us each in a particular family. Day by day, He brings key people into our lives and provides life experiences that shape us. God does all of this with HIS purpose in mind, tailored to the individual-you and me."
-Richard Stearns

Anyway-just thought I'd share those! :)



  1. Very good Ashley!!! I thought class was great today!
    I think it is neat how Glen was talking about the times God opened the door for him & his family. I know of times God has opened them for me & it is amazing!
    Thank you so much for sharing this Ashley!

  2. Awesome quotes, thanks for sharing!
