Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prayer Requests 1-10-10

Miranda - bedrest & medicine to stop contractions -praise - now allowed up a bit - cont. decreasing contr. & baby make it to March
Jonathon and Will's cousin Andrew - ruptured appendix, had appendectomy in DC.
Jeff Yancy - (Brenda's bro) -appendectomy - healing for both young men
Dusty's dad, Danny Oaks - visiting Houston this week for follow up - good results, safe trip, cont. healing
Danny Burton - recovering well from surgery, cont. healing, minimal effects from new treatments, guidance with decisions
Protection, rest and good health for all pregnant moms (including Noelia, Jacque's sister), families, fathers, & unborn babies
"                    "        "             for each of us and our loved ones.
Harold Smith - Praise!  No lymphnode involvement and less invasive surgery required.  Continued recovery from surgery and clean test results in the next month or so.

God's Guidance
Jennifer - for God to speak through her words and actions move to Tara's heart (Abby's mom).  That Jennifer would speak only what the HS prompts, being filled with peace and confidence when He directs, that should God draw Tara to Him through Jennifer that it be to God's glory.  That should it not be the right time yet for Tara, that the seeds planted will eventually bear fruit and that Abby would be protected and grow up to love the Lord.
Neal's 17 year old bro.  For God to move his heart and give him strength to make better choices.  That He will make a U turn towards God and goodness for his life. 

Time Management for all YMCA members to put God first and read His word daily, that we may grow in love through prayer and time with Him.
Finances - for all who need jobs, struggle to make bills, or are striving to follow God's way for their finances to meet with success and joy.
Edge Worship Service - that God would bless it as only He can, be with the leaders and volunteers, and bring us to people to invite to join us in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. My sister, Adrian, just told me her daughter Kourtney (born Jan 25th) has failed two tests for Cystic fibrosis. She won't be able to have another test done until Kourtney is 3 months old. Pray for Kourtney and her family. Adrian is not taking the news well.
