Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prayer Requests 9-20-09

*A reminder to mothers - this Weds MOPS starts back up! Invite or bring a friend! Come to the ROC and get directed from there re: childcare...

*Sat, Oct 3rd - save the date ! And start baking your favorites: YMCA is having a Bake Sale table at the Michael McCutcheon Fundraiser/Fun Event on the Greenwood Square - 8:00 am to 3 pm. Anyone willing to hold a yard sale/table there with proceeds to go for M's bone marrow transplant expenses, please get your items ready! We'll need help - let Amy know if you want to paint faces or such. Thanks - let's show Christ's love in action and make it a great day for kids and all of Greenwood!

*We miss you when you aren't here! Please remember to vote your preference for our next two fellowships, the email has already gone out - dates to save are Oct 24th and Dec.18 or 19th.

Prayer Requests
Amy & Mike - Marriage scheduled for Fri, Nov 13!
2 new couples again today!
Carson's Belly Button healing - doesn't look like surgery will be necessary!
Jason Green's Final Evaluation went really well - in fact he got an award! (In spite of certain lifegroupers...)
Lyndsey and Robbie have appt for Barrett 9/30 - he started crawling after getting his tubes in! PTL
So much done so quickly in coordinating the McCutcheon fundraiser
Stronger marriages over the last year & 1/2

Our marriages - God would continue to bless
Michael McCutcheon's health
Day on the Square(Oct 3) for Michael - continued donations, that God would bless all Mike and Amy's efforts coordinating the day.
Addilyn McNutt - has Chicken Pox, that it would be mild, over quickly and not too uncomfortable
Jason Green's father - in car accident on 50th bd last week - herniated discs in his back - Neuro MD visit tomorrow. Speedy, uncomplicated recovery and wisdom for MDs.
Dusty Oaks leaves tomorrow - for safety! For Cora as she has James and dogs to care for
Dusty's Dad - chemo in Houston - found apartment and good resultsfrom Houston's treatment!
Barb's sister, Jeanine, has job interview Weds
Amy - Continued healing and decreasing pain
Troy Gaston - for negative scan/test results in Houston
Barrett - good visit and wisdom for specialist, continue to grow stronger and 'bloom'
Ruthann and Jim - started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Money Makeover course - 13 weeks - continued committment and good results
Jessica and Chad - have buyer for their home! God's guidance in next steps
Mandy and Shannon - both have a close friend/family involved in an unhealthy relationship - that these ladies would find strength to end these once and for all and that God would give Mandy and Shannon and Levi the right timing and words to help them move on.
Brenda and Ransom - in 5 K this Sat - that they could finish without injury and w/o walking!
Job searches - for those unemployed or looking to/considering a change
Pregnant Ladies and healthy babies...Cheryl's counting down the days! (18)

Thank you for your prayers and have a blessed week! Let's stay in God's word, love & serve others, and grow spiritually in Christ! Lots of love and prayers, Barb and Glen

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