Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prayer Requests 9-27-09

Illnesses & Injuries: Ask for God's healing & peace for patients and their families
Angela's Mom - sick, @ MD this am.
Carey Plunkett - complication in pregnancy - pray for healing and that she can last 3 more weeks. For nice shower Sat. AM here.
Jennifer's sister-in-law is recovering from the swine flu. Her brother is playing hs football with a shoulder injury - for safety and healing. For Charleston junior football player who sustained head injury at Fri's game.
Alexis Yazel has colon surgery tomorrow - for quick healing, good results and no complications.
Barrett sees neuro. MD Weds in LR
Jason's Dad sees Neuro surgeon if NWA this week
Brooks Hearing test would show what is needed and that it would go well.
Dusty's Dad Continues with treatment, positive outlook & healing
Michael McCutcheon Divine healing and protection from illness
Swine Flu sufferers That those with this would heal rapidly & not be one of those who end up needing hospitalization. That the vaccine would come quickly and protect our people from a more severe outbreak.
Praise for Amy's healing. That God would sustain her, Mike, and Theresa as they work for this weekend's benefit. That God would move many people to come and be generous in their support.
That God would provide clear direction to Lauren regarding having a dancewear booth at the Holiday Market. That He would confirm this with Lauren's Dad.
Praise for (and kudos to) Neal McNutt for winning $500 in Karaoke.
For our youth, and those of us that work with them - specifically Rachel and Toby Brasher, Jason McMillan and Lee and the host of volunteers, that the youth would become passionate for Christ, the adults would share in that excitement and lead as God wills, all to His Glory!
Shannon's uncle - Praise he doesn't have leukemia.
Praise that Brooks' review at Kistler Center went well.
For our pregnant mothers and their babies, especially Cheryl as her last weeks wind down - for health and strength and joy!
For Lauren's request for a preschool leader for the church children's choir. That God would clearly call the person that He desires to fill this position and that they would be willing and excited to serve.
For our marriages - that God would bless us with time together this week to talk, really hear each others' hearts and time in His word. That we would avoid all landmines that might be hidden from us and grow in love.

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